Greg Lindsay
Greg Lindsay is a journalist, urbanist, futurist, and speaker. He is a contributing writer for Fast Company, author of the forthcoming book Engineering Serendipity, and co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next. He is also a senior fellow of the New Cities Foundation — where he leads the...
Marcus East
Marcus East is an international technology and product executive and CDO/CIO/CTO with nearly 30 years experience of working in the Information Technology, specialising in Digital Product, Digital Transformations and Electronic Commerce. Marcus started his career with IBM where he spent six years honing his consulting and strategy skills, before...
Jordan Casey
Jordan Casey is one of the world’s youngest serial entrepreneurs. Casey became well known when he became one of Europe’s youngest iOS app developers by releasing a mobile game onto the iTunes store. The game called Alien Ball Vs Humans subsequently went to No 1 on iTunes. Casey began...
Tommy Stadlen
Tommy Stadlen is a Founding Partner of Giant Ventures, the global venture capital firm backing purpose-driven technology founders. Giant has offices in London, LA and Copenhagen. Tommy is Co-Founder of the Tailwind SPAC platform, which has launched three public companies with a combined market cap of over $1bn. He...
Simon Dingle
Filling the stage with apps and gadgets, Simon provides an entertaining tour of the latest in business, personal finance and digital trends. He has presented talks at over one hundred events internationally. Simon has also met with the top minds in the industry – including CEOs of IBM, Nokia...
Arnaud Bonzom
Arnaud has been immersed for 10+ years in the startup ecosystem and conducting relevant research since 2013. As the Founder & Managing Director of Black Mangroves, he uses data, analytics, and insights to answer complex entrepreneurship-related questions and to advise Fortune 500 companies and Governments on their startup engagements....
Ayesha Khanna
Dr. Ayesha Khanna is Co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI, an artificial intelligence (AI) advisory firm and incubator. She has been a strategic advisor on artificial intelligence and smart cities to leading corporations and governments. Khanna also serves on the Board of Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Singapore...
Michio Kaku
Dr. Michio Kaku is one of the most widely recognised figures in science in the world today. He is an internationally recognised authority in two areas. The first is Einstein’s unified field theory, which Dr. Kaku is attempting to complete. The other is to predict trends affecting business, medicine,...
Alan West
Admiral Lord West was First Sea Lord, the highest position in the Royal Navy from 2002-06. In 2007 he was asked by Prime Minister Gordon Brown to join the UK Government as Minister for Security responsible for national security and counter-terrorism as well as cyber and Olympic security. Lord...