Fredrik Härén is an author and expert on creativity, change and global business.

Härén’s speciality is to be the “Global Conference Speaker”. He has delivered 2,000 presentations in over 60 countries on 6 continents. Härén knows how to craft a speech so that, let’s say, an American, a Brazilian, a German and a Chinese all will be inspired and laugh and the same time feel that they walk away from the session with meaningful take-aways that were relevant to them.

Just in 2016, Härén spoke at 23 different global (or international conferences), and he was – again, in 2016 – invited to speak in 23 different countries on 4 continents. Härén is a truly global speaker, with examples from all over the world – suitable for your global (or international) conference.

He is the author of 9 books, including The Idea Book which was included in “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time”. His latest book, One World One Company, explains how some companies are becoming global and shares lessons that can be learned from their successes and mistakes.

He was voted Speaker of The Year in Sweden as well as selected as one of the “The Best Swedish Speakers Ever”.
